Parent participation is an essential part of our team’s cohesiveness and success, and each family should expect to contribute noticeable time and energy to sustain the growth of their skiers and vitality of the club.
The BNJRT volunteer program requires every family to earn four volunteer-hour credits per family. This program has been quite successful and thanks to everyone’s participation we have so far been able to keep our team fees as low as they are.
BNJRT hosts its largest fundraiser, the Ski Swap, in November. All families are required to also volunteer for a job this night to assist in keeping our costs in check.
Because BNJRT is an entirely volunteer-run club, we rely on all of the families to participate in the volunteer program. If participation were to drop off, we would have to hire a program director to do all of the things that you are helping to do!
At registration, every family must sign up for the four volunteer-hour credits. Families who either do not sign up for or fulfill the volunteer-hour requirement will be invoiced a $200 volunteer fee.
Please do pitch in your time and effort throughout the year. We need your help even more than we want your dollars!